Today a Thing Happened and It Was Awesome
It was weird, this thing that happened, but I'll tell you about it because there's a lesson involved. You all know that I'm a mental health clinician here in Alaska. I can't call myself a "counselor" yet because despite having more than enough hours to sit for my exam and crush it, I am a wee bit afraid that I will not actually crush it and I will be embarrassed and $300 poorer. I have been using imagery to SEE myself passing the exam, but if recent efforts to manifest shit is any predictor of what is to come, I need to spend more time meditating, because I have been "manifesting money" and the universe keeps dropping quarters in front of me. Literally. Quarters. I really need to focus on studying for the exam, but instead, I am writing blog posts and attending trauma conferences. So that brings us full circle back to my story... Lindsay is in town visiting for an unknown amount of time, and she decided to attend this free trauma co...