Business Soul Searching

Over the past year, we have done some major business "soul searching".  What I mean by that is that our business has morphed and grown and exploded in ways that we could never have expected.  

Lindsay and I started off with a very specific purpose and mission in mind with our business.  As we worked deeper into this whole "owning a business" thing, we came to notice things like dissonance between one another, and within our own thoughts.  We struggled to get moving, and despite our passion to "help people", we were stuck in this tornado of: do this, do that, fix this, upload that, go here, schedule this, read this, and respond to them.  I found that the more I spent time researching online different ways to become rich overnight, and how to grow to 5 billion followers without lifting a finger, the more I was involving myself into business plans that worked for other people, but NOT FOR US.  Intuitiflow has been growing an amazing audience, and we have some things in the pipeline that are going to serve our readers/listeners/followers is big ways, but we have had to go through a LOT to get here.  

Friends, we need to pause real quick, so you can see the view from where I'm working.  Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize that I MADE THIS.  I made a life where I can do my work and have this view at the same time.  

Ok, take a few deep breaths while you look at that photo, and let's get back to it...

Some people have one unique gift they can share with the world, which is a dream come true when you are running a business and want to provide that gift to people in the form of a service or product.  When you have multiple abilities, or talents that you want to use to help the masses though, things get fuzzy.  

Linds and I are both bodyworkers, we have different backgrounds, but are in the area of massage therapy & structural integration.  We both do energy work that follows no exact "style" per se - as in, we have studied Reiki, Jin Shin, distance healing etc, but use a mix of methods in order to give our clients what they need.  We are empaths, mediums and highly intuitive.  It is doing a disservice for me to lump us and our unique talents together, but let's agree that you should just contact us to learn more about us individually. 

So here's the deal.  When one has a long list of services, how can we even begin to describe what we do?  We have literally spent a year or more trying to create a public presence on social media/website etc that is all encompassing, without being cheesy.  Life coach - nope, career coach - nope, bodyworker - doesn't say it all, empath, intuitive, medium - nope, nope, nope.  I mean, yes, we are those things, but no, one word does not describe all that we have to offer.  

During one business meeting, we were pulling our hair out, trying to brainstorm words/ or phrases, and I said to Lindsay "wait a minute, why are we putting ourselves in a box?  Why are we feeling compelled to answer the question "what do you do?""  "Perhaps our response should be, "What do you need?""

This shifted us into a new way of thinking.  We are now in the process of updating our website to reflect this new approach.  As a consumer, you tell us what you need, then we tell you how we can provide:  Do you need bodywork?  Energy work?  intuitive business coaching? mediumship readings? Unraveling maladaptive patterns in your life? You tell us what you need, and we will tell you how we can help you.  

I know that we had to go through this whole process to get where we are, but seriously, if someone had slapped me and said "Bree, step out of the box you've put yourself in, and look around" about 6 months ago, that would have been nice.  (not the slapping part, that is just for effect).  

So, with this new revelation, we are going to bring you some exciting things.  We are working on getting our podcast up and running.  Lindsay and I are pretty entertaining to listen to, you'll see.  We are also going to start taking bookings online for our various services so you don't have to flag us down or tackle us in our busy day to day lives in order to book a session the paper and pencil way.  

omigosh, I hope my excitement is shining through this post and you are getting as pumped as we are.  Can I tell you how uplifting it is, to have a vision for my life, to see it from afar, and then realize that it is actually materializing itself THIS. VERY. MINUTE?

Ok, I think you get it.  
watch out for more from us.  If you follow us via email, instagram, facebook or twitter you'll hear all about it, you lucky duck.  

B & L - the Intuitiflow ladies 


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