Dear Receiver

Thank you for this union and for the beauty that comes from our souls coming into alignment on this plane, even for just a moment. Thank you for your imperfections, your mistakes, your dysfunctions, your struggles, your shadows, and darkness. Thank you for your triumphs, accomplishments, talents, hopes and magnificent dreams. Thank you for choosing to continue on even when all seemed hopeless; for spotting the dimly lit flame in the far off distance and carrying on to locate its source of power.
Thank you for sharing your truth with the world and for your bold vulnerability to be seen, when it was easier to hide in the shadows. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, for many have greatly benefited from your existence without your knowing. Thank you for your gifts- the ones you don’t believe are worthy or honed enough, but are absolutely perfect as is. Thank you for being in this exact place, in this exact moment, in the exact perfect vibration to receive this message, to receive validation in your efforts, to accept this upgrade and to feel this all-encompassing light.
Your self-judgments are understood, however, they are unnecessary. Your old fears may seem valid, yet they no longer serve you at this time and are free to be released. It is your time to break free and rise above. You are unbound by the tethers you’ve built for yourself that previously kept you safe and now just hold you back.
This is your time and the only time that exists. The unconditional love which surrounds you in every moment is disintegrating your cage. Trust. Trust that it is the absolute perfect time to open the door, to let it all go and rise up even higher than you ever possibly imagined. You are loved. You are supported. You are perfectly perfect in all ways. Thanks for being. Shine on.
Love you,
Who do you know that needs to hear this message?  


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