Unraveling Patterns is the Key to Manifesting Anything You Want

See that chair?  See that couch over there, and the phone you are probably reading this post on?  None of those things just popped into existence did they?  You probably thought "I need a new set of chairs for the table" or "shoot, I just broke my phone, I have to go buy a new one."  Everything that exists in your life, was first a thought.  Why then, is it so hard for us to believe that we can manifest what we want simply by starting with a thought?

Here are 3 thought patterns that commonly interfere with one's ability to manifest, and what you can do to break away from these maladaptive thought patterns.

1.  Because it seems too easy 

Growing up, I was taught that the only path to success was to work hard.  My parents taught me that I could do anything, I was fortunate to have parents who stood behind me in all of my wild ideas. They were very clear though, that nothing would work out for me unless I put in long hours, used my own hard earned cash to fund an idea, and that I had to be knocking on doors with my resume in order to get a job.  It was expected that I would start at the bottom and work my way up
because nothing that comes easy is worth it.  Sound familiar?  I understand this pattern of thinking.
Photo by Aleksandra Boguslawska on Unsplash
My grandparents came to the USA as immigrants and rode in a covered wagon across the country to settle.  There was literally no other option than to work hard to survive.

Here is the exact pattern of thinking that fails us with manifestation:
"You must work hard in order to be successful"

How to break away

There will be times that you work hard to get what you want and need, but the idea that hard work is the ONLY path to success, is a dead end.  We must also know and believe that we are deserving of great things and that we can begin to attract great things to ourselves simply by starting with a thought.  The thought and belief that we are deserving, begins an avalanche of actions that we can see, and some that we cannot.
Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash

  • I deserve greatness
  • I am worthy 
  • It is ok for money and things to come easily to me
  • It is ok for me to have more than I need.  When I have more than I need, I am giving and gracious with the overflow

2.  We forget that there are steps that follow

This point follows the first one.  Let me be clear; manifestation does not mean that you can sit in your apartment in the city, dreaming of living on the beach, and all of a sudden your 3rd-floor apartment will be flooded with sand, water, and sunshine.  What it means is that you can sit in your apartment and dream of living on a warm beachfront, then you find the exact beautiful beach you want to live on, you research real estate, you have a financial goal in mind, and that beach house is your day to day motivation.

The dreamy floofy part of manifestation and how the law of attraction works, is that you do actually have to set the dream in motion.  Imagine yourself living in the beach house, imagine how the sun feels when you're sitting on the porch having your morning coffee.  Feel the warm breeze and the sea spray.  Feel the excitement of getting your beach house, and the relief that your needs are met in beautiful, wonderful and exciting ways.  The law of attraction states that like attracts like.  If you worry that you will never have enough money for the beach house, you probably will never have enough money.  You are creating an energetic pathway with every thought.  Think about your thoughts as pave stones that go in front of you.  You put the thought out there FIRST, then the universe meets your thought with a similar attraction.

How to break away

  • Think about what one thing is that you want
  • Imagine that you already have this thing
  • Notice what it feels like to have this thing
  • Go through all of your senses:  What does it smell like?  What does it feel like?  What do you hear?  What do you see?  If it has a taste, what does it taste like?  
  • Bask in the knowledge that you already have what you desire, feel this on a regular basis

3.  Fear

Fear is classic for sabotaging our wants and needs.  This is how it happened for me:  I followed my advice above, I can see my beach house, I can feel what it is like to own the house and experience the excitement that will come when I unlock the door for the first time, then BAM, fear jumps in and says "well Bree, how will you pay for this house?"  "What if you can't pay the mortgage?"  "What if you can't furnish the house?"  All of a sudden, I am flooded with these thoughts that I am not the kind of person who owns multiple homes.  Beach houses are for the rich and famous, that is not me.  etc...

So yes, fear creeps in for all of us.  This is how I combat the fear.  I respond with thoughts that I believe and I remind myself that I trust the energetic framework that I have laid out for my future.

How to break away
Photo by katie manning on Unsplash

  • Continue to work through all of your senses to feel what it is like to have what you want and need
  • Trust the laws of the universe - like attracts like, and it is exciting for you to be dreaming about things that feel out of your grasp
  • Identify the intrusive thoughts as being based in fear, and remember that you are completely supported and cared for
  • Create a mantra that satisfies your fear in a positive and loving way, for example:  
    • If my fear is that I cannot pay the mortgage my mantra is "I pay my mortgage happily and in full for each payment." "I easily pay my mortgage on time" 
  • Remember that there is a difference between fear and regular day to day protections that we adhere to.  You are not going to buy a million dollar home if you cannot pay the mortgage, and you would not even be approved to buy the home if you could not prove that you can pay for it.  
  • I deserve...
  • I am worthy of...
  • I am supported in my desire for...
There are so many stories from our past that we know and take as truth.  It is time to begin to rewrite our stories with a soul-based message.  We are worthy of greatness.  We give back in whatever ways we can, regardless of what we have.  We do recognize a shift is happening in the world, and we are in support of the greater good.  We are aligned with source, and our gratitude is beyond words.  

What thought patterns do you have that you need to unravel?


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