Unraveling Patterns is the Key to Manifesting Anything You Want
See that chair? See that couch over there, and the phone you are probably reading this post on? None of those things just popped into existence did they? You probably thought "I need a new set of chairs for the table" or "shoot, I just broke my phone, I have to go buy a new one." Everything that exists in your life, was first a thought. Why then, is it so hard for us to believe that we can manifest what we want simply by starting with a thought? Here are 3 thought patterns that commonly interfere with one's ability to manifest, and what you can do to break away from these maladaptive thought patterns. 1. Because it seems too easy Growing up, I was taught that the only path to success was to work hard. My parents taught me that I could do anything, I was fortunate to have parents who stood behind me in all of my wild ideas. They were very clear though, that nothing would work out for me unless I put in long hours, used my own...