Empaths in Religion

Hi Beauties,
I am an empath and a Christian, churchgoing person.  As such, I have had the experience of struggling to legitimize my empathic abilities and fit in with the Christian ideals and resistance to anything that cannot be explained or is thought of as witchy or evil.  I am not writing this to defend myself, or to defend empaths, highly sensitive people, or lightworkers.  I am writing to support all of the lovely people out there who are feeling tugged between the path of living a Christian life or living the life of honoring your inner wisdom and sensitivity.  I am here to reassure you that you can have both.    

On a very basic level, empaths are considered to be highly sensitive people who can pick up on the energy around them.  When I accurately guess that you are anxious, or I know that you just had a fight with your partner, it's not that I am using magic to go into your brain and read your memories and feelings.  I am not using witchcraft to learn your emotions, I am simply responding to the shift that happened within ME when I stand close to YOU.  Let me say this again.  I am responding to the shift that happened within me when I stand close to you.  No voodoo dolls, no witchcraft, no spells, no crystal ball.  

I go to church, I pray, I sing worship songs, I have a deep connection to my God.  I have many other abilities and wisdom beyond my years.  As I grow in confidence and connection to others, see healing from the energy work I do, and hold space for people as they realize that they are not alone in this journey as an empath, I realize that my spirituality and my sensitivity are not separate.  They are parts of me as a whole.  

On a daily basis, I acknowledge that I am made in the image of God, and I ask that God use me as a tool for whatever His purpose is.  I don't go to a lot of church gatherings, I haven't been in a Bible study for 15 years.  I can make you a huge list of all of the things in my life that the church tells me are "sins" but I also realize that my imperfections are part of what draw people to me. 

this past week I taught and did bodywork at a retreat in California.  The retreat was full of beautiful women with all kinds of religious and spiritual beliefs.  I cried with a woman I did energy work on.  She said "I'm not religious but I have a question.  Did you pray or anything before you worked on me?"  I said, "Yes, I pray before every session that I'm used to facilitate healing in whoever I am working on."  The woman cried and said, "I saw myself surrounded and held by angels as you worked on me, I have never felt love or safety like that before."  

I trust that I am being used how God wants me to be used.  I do not evangelize, I do not talk much about my spirituality, it's kind of a big deal that I'm even writing this blog post.  When I was younger, I spent a lot of time working with the youth group at my church, in my freshman year of college, I went to a Christian University.  I met lifelong friends and had a wonderful time, but I was also either preaching to the choir, or I was forcing my beliefs on people who I thought I was helping.  There is beauty in trusting that Spirit, God, Source - whatever you want to call The One, is working through me and is also working in the heart and mind of the people around me. 

You don't have to choose your spirituality or your sensitivity.  One supports the other.  You were created with your empathic abilities and you are a beautiful reflection of perfection.  

You are whole
You are perfect
You are not alone

Love Love Love 


  1. Thank you for this blog post because that is exactly how I feel and what I continue to go through. I have realized that I can embrace both sides, and I love my church, but a few (pastor included) still think I have beliefs in false deities simply because I meditate, wear waist beads etc, and just don't simply seem to them like a traditional Christian. I went up for prayer during service and he laid hands on me and whispered "let go of the other gods". I was crushed because I have always used my faith, my empathic gifts, and my energy as a whole to try to do good for all (plants, animals, humans alike). They are not with me when I am worshipping and praying at home, giving thanks for all yet based on assumptions I am silently rejected or misunderstood. Regardless, I still choose to see the good and mark it off as a true test....and I move forward, continuing to be of help to anyone, especially my massage clients (while grounding myself of course).

    1. Shenika, I am so grateful that you relate to this! I have to remember that even though religious leaders are put on a pedestal, they are human's just like you and I. They misunderstand things, and make mistakes like the rest of us. If a religious leader is not an empath or a highly sensitive person, they may not understand the ability to fully worship source, and also connect with your other spiritual abilities or "claire's". I love that you choose to move forward and help your massage clients. Lindsay and I are both bodyworkers and know how important it is to have deeply connect massage therapists in the biz.
      Thanks for what you do,


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