Empaths in Religion
Hi Beauties, I am an empath and a Christian, churchgoing person. As such, I have had the experience of struggling to legitimize my empathic abilities and fit in with the Christian ideals and resistance to anything that cannot be explained or is thought of as witchy or evil. I am not writing this to defend myself, or to defend empaths, highly sensitive people, or lightworkers. I am writing to support all of the lovely people out there who are feeling tugged between the path of living a Christian life or living the life of honoring your inner wisdom and sensitivity. I am here to reassure you that you can have both. On a very basic level, empaths are considered to be highly sensitive people who can pick up on the energy around them. When I accurately guess that you are anxious, or I know that you just had a fight with your partner, it's not that I am using magic to go into your brain and read your memories and feelings. I am not...